
Friday, July 30, 2010

Homemade Apple Sauce

You can’t have pork chops without apple sauce, and with all due respect to Alice from the Brady Bunch, just any old apple sauce won’t do. Sure, you can buy it in a jar, but that’s about as flavorless and exciting as baby food. In fact, it may well be baby food.
You need an apple sauce that is tart and spicy, something with character that can stand up to those inch thick pork chops that you’ve spent so much time brining and grilling. I think I’ve got just the ticket.

Homemade Apple Sauce

3 Granny Smith Apples
3 Gala Apples
2 Tablespoons Sugar
1 Tablespoon Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Cardamom
1/3 Stick of Butter, cut into pats

Peel the apples. If you’ve been to way too many Pampered Chef parties like me, you’ve probably ended up with this gadget, the apple peeler. It actually works pretty well.

But peel ‘em however you want, and then cut ‘em into slices and place in an oven safe dish. Sprinkle sugar, cinnamon, and cardamom on top, then nestle the pats of butter amongst the apple slices. Put this in a 400 degree oven for 25-30 minutes, and then remove and mash with a fork.

Voila. Apple sauce. Some of the finest you’ve ever tasted. Believe me. Go ask Alice.

Until next time.


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